Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The old wise Seneca said....

Read an article, on JK Rowling's inaugaural speech at Harvard. Can't get over the last few lines: "As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is; but how good it is, is what matters." So true. The very transient nature of life makes it so interesting, challenging. The very paradox of living is such a great parody of our circumstances. We strive to attain, the ever elusive perfection and within one split second, all's over, the world gets toppled, and we leave behind memories. We are a preordained lot. Whatever we do or won't do can't undone circumstances. It's better to lead a short and happy life , than a long, harried one....

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

bogged down

The weather is oppresive, hot and humid....After a lovely break of nice rain, it's back to where it belonged. So has the mood been changing. Circumstances, people, situations - may be everything is contributing to the sorry state of affairs, that we are in. I have often loved these lines : The refusal to live and the joyful acceptance of life lead by the same path to inevitable failure or total destruction.
With each passing day, there's a sense of deja-vu, for once these lines seem so true. My physical health also corroborates the fact.................but what is made of only air, water, earth and fire, must perish to unite with those that formed it. The soul will live on....happy and some distant place, recognized yet unknown...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


How would you define Happiness? A total state of mirth, joy...

I once read somewhere "Happiness is from within and not from without".

I think, i am feeling a bit light on the i ramble you will find your HQ (happiness quotient)......

Till Then... CIAO!!!!

The day is fine..............

It's a beautiful day today, quite unlike the month of May. Nice and cool. Everything around me feels so good and beautiful. Weather indeed defines the mood...

Have you been reading the blogposts of AB, i am....and today's posting is too mushy, too sentimental...The superstart now toucheth the emotional side in real life too..The iconic "Vijay" of 70mm, who could bring even the strong willed to tears now turns a tear-jerker in real life.. Keep it up...Mr. B
Honey B

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The day was bright, sunny and i prepared to leave for work, the sky started to turn cloudy and i dismissed it as one of those mirages that i keep on seeing on a hot day..i guess, everybody does so...& back from a recent trip of Europe all i dream of is good weather. But today, i guess, was my day, somewhere up above the weathergod heard my pleas...and rain in did! Black clouds, winds and a heavy's still cloudy outside, as i write. I am happy, and back in spirits...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

And the Titans Maketh War

Celebrity blogging, the next big thing in India. AB is at it with vengenance, Aamir does it in a more subtle way. The great titans now speak to their audience with the new found medium. Interesting, but how long will the fad last!

Friday, May 9, 2008

May 8th 2008

My first blog...though i have been an occasional writer, but this the first published piece. Feeling good about it.
Cheers to me and to my Blog :-)